Occupational Therapy 

Life’s ups and downs can result in mental health concerns from time to time.  A mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing behaviours, signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect your ability to function in your daily life:  at work or school, in your family and relationships and it can affect your physical health. 

In most cases, symptoms can be managed by a mental health team, often including a mental health occupational therapist. Occupational therapy in mental health focuses on the functional aspects of life and help people to re-engage in meaningful tasks: the things you love to do, want to do and have to do as part of your day-to-day life roles.  

Occupational therapists assess each person holistically and consider various factors such as:

  • Values, beliefs and spirituality
  • Mental (cognitive) function, sensory function and processing
  • Performance skills (motor, process, and social interaction skills)
  • Environment or context
  • Performance patterns (habits, routines, roles, etc.)

Your occupational therapist will work with you to help you live your life to its fullest. How do we do this when you have a mental illness?  We: 

  • Help each client set therapy goals that are aligned with their values, needs, wants and context.
  • Work with our clients to promote, establish (or restore), maintain, or modify meaningful and helpful habits and routines.
  • Assist our clients in developing and practicing a variety of practical skills and strategies to approach difficulties with wisdom, whether it be at work or at school, in relationships or at home.
  • Empower our clients to return to their lives in the best possible functional capacity.

With these interventions you will be better able to deal with challenges, distress or impairment associated with your day-to-day activities and relationships.   Our occupational therapy team has been trained in a variety of methodologies, that assist individuals to overcome challenges in their lives associated with mental health difficulties.

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
  • Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP®)
  • Sensory Intelligence and the Sensory MAtrix®
  • The Demartini Method
  • Mandala Assessment Research Instrument (MARI®)
  • Sand Tray Therapy


Grounded. Well. Wise. serves occupational therapy practices in the West Rand, Johannesburg. These include services at two inpatient mental health facilities and an outpatient practice at Mayo Clinic of South Africa, in Roodepoort, Johannesburg. 

For inpatient occupational therapy services, click HERE.

For outpatient occupational therapy services, click HERE.

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Outpatient Occupational Therapy Services


Cognitive Rehabilitation/ Remediation

for people who have cognitive difficulties.


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Teen DBT skills


for teenagers who are living with anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicide ideation, social skills issues, and many other problems.

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Anxiety Management

for people who have difficulties with anxiety & want to learn more on how to manage these difficulties.

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Dialectical Behaviour

for people who experience emotion dysregulation or up and down moods and emotions. 

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Activation Group

for people with a primary diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder, who have difficulty managing a productive and meaningful daily routine. 

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Study Methods

For learners 10 years or older who experience difficulty with learning (concentration difficulties, challenges with organising material or study space).

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Outpatient Occupational Therapy Services


Individual Occupational Therapy

Assisting individuals to develop wise and practical strategies to overcome challenges in their lives associated with mental health difficulties. 

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